Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Flying The Queensland Coastline

Flying up the coast of Queensland is one of life's truly amazing experiences.

Our Air New Zealand flight flew from Auckland to approximately Brisbane, then flew the entire way up the Queensland coast to Cairns, giving us multiple hours of one of the most beautiful views you can possibly imagine.

iPhone view of the Queensland coast from my Air New Zealand flight

Hours and hours of pristine blue water, golden sand beaches and vast emptiness.
Enormous stretches with no one there. No building, no industry, just pure, spectacular nature.

Great Barrier Reef from the plane

The Great Barrier Reef is 1400 miles long. You can see it so clearly from the plane.


Unpolluted, unspoiled.

You can't quite find the horizon as the infinite blueness of the sea merges with the infinite blue sky.


Find flights to Queensland 

How can something this beautiful even exist?

It makes you realize how immense the universe really is and how small you really are.

The images in this post were taken with my iPhone as we flew the coastline.

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