Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 8 Most Important Anti Aging Tips Of The Year

Want some anti aging tips? I always do! 

I found this article on Byrdie.com

The 8 Most Important Anti-Aging Tips of the Year

by Deven Hopp

The 8 Most Important Anti-Aging Tips of the Year
One of the best things about skincare is that it’s always evolving. It’s a science. Every year we know more about what our skin is doing, and more importantly, how to change what it’s doing, and this year is no exception. We spent 2014 chatting up the industry’s best doctors and experts, and we learned quite a bit. Scroll through for the eight most important anti-aging tips of the year!

Start shaving (yes, your face).

Start shaving (yes, your face).
Shave your face to exfoliate away the outer layer of dead skin and allow deeper penetration of your anti-aging products.

Personally I wouldn't shave my face, but dermaplaning is a fantastic option 
~ Corinna

Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you go outside.

For adequate sun protection, you shouldn’t be applying your sunscreen as you run out the door. Apply it 20 minutes before you leave the house to properly safeguard your skin.

Adjust your sleeping position.

Sleep on your back to prevent the sleep wrinkles that come from pressing your face into a pillow night after night.

Hurt your skin to help it.

Microneedlingcosmetic acupuncture, and laser treatments all inflict minor trauma to your skin, which signals cells to create more collagen, resulting in more youthful-looking skin.

Use more vitamin D.

Air pollution has been shown to hinder skin’s ability to create the necessary amount of vitamin D. Plus, the free radicals in the smog in polluted cities cause premature aging. If you live in an urban area, use a serum with vitamin D and an antioxidant-infused moisturizer to protect your skin.

Protect your eyes (more than you already are).

You probably apply eye cream every night, but the delicate skin around your eyes requires more. Use an antioxidant-rich eye cream with SPF during the day, and top it off with a large pair of sunglasses, if you want to keep crow’s feet away.

Balance your pH.

At the optimum pH of 5.5, your skin seals in hydration and can better protect itself from free radicals, pollutants, and environmental irritants. click here to find out how to balance your skin.

Stay away from secondhand smoke too.

Smoke damages your skin’s connective tissue and collagen, whether you’re puffing on the cigarette or the person next to you is. Avoid it all if you want to keep your skin cells healthy.

Find more cool articles here at Byrdie.com

Monday, December 29, 2014

37 Life Lessons

37 Life Lessons In 37 Years

I love this.
Dawn Gluskin is a contributor to the Huffington Post
You can follow her hereand on her twitter link at the bottom of the article.

image courtesy of Daily Mail UK

37 Life Lessons In 37 Years

Today is my 37th birthday. And, I must say, it's been a pretty interesting ride so far. As I look back over the years and many phases of my Iife, I realize how each stage, success, stumble, triumph and heartache has had a significant impact on where I stand right now. And despite the rough patches, I love it all.
From a shy yet studious little girl, to an artsy and somewhat rebellious teenager, to a happy-go-lucky big-dreaming 20-something with a bit of a wild side, my metamorphosis were plentiful in my early years. Now into my 30s, my heart has grown a few sizes larger and overflows with motherly love as I've discovered what matters most in life. And my entrepreneurial experiences have been a crash course in lessons of life, business and self that, at times, brought me to the brink of what I thought I could handle, only to be rewarded nicely for sticking it out and seeing it through.
As I continue to step more fully into myself each day and bring to light my mission of helping others build their own dreams with joy and ease, I've racked my brain to think of my top 37 life lessons so far. On this day of celebrating another trip around the sun, I share these with you and hope you find inspiration as I have. Enjoy!
Top 37 Life Lessons So Far...
  1. Happiness comes from within. We spend way too much of our lives looking for outside validation and approval that eludes us. Turns out, it's been an inside job all along. Go inward.
  2. Be grateful for everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Our entire life is a precious gift. The pleasure, the pain -- it's all part of our path.
  3. Subtle shifts in perception will transform your entire life. When feeling fearful, angry, hurt, simply choose to see a situation differently.
  4. In being true to yourself, you can't possibly make everybody else happy.Still, it's better to risk being disliked for living your truth than to be loved for what you are pretending to be.
  5. The world is our mirror. What we love in others is a reflection of what we love about ourselves. What upsets us about others is a strong indication of what we need to look at more closely within ourselves.
  6. Everybody comes into our life for a reason. It is up to us to be open to the lesson they are meant to teach. The more someone rubs us the wrong way, the greater the lesson. Take notes.
  7. Trust. In troubled times, just know that the Universe has your back and everything is going to be alright. If you're not there yet, trust in hindsight you will understand. Your higher good is being supported, always.
  8. Never take things personally. What others do is a reflection of what's going on in their own life and probably has little or nothing to do with you.
  9. A walk in nature cures a lot. Taking in some fresh air and the beautiful landscape of this earth is amazingly head-clearing, grounding, and mood-lifting. Bonus: You can learn a whole lot about life in your observation of the awesomeness which is nature.
  10. Hurt people hurt people. Love them anyway. Although, it's totally okay to love them from a distance.
  11. You have to feel it to heal it. Bring your fears and weaknesses front and center and shine a blazing spotlight on them because the only way out is through. The hurt of facing the truth is SO worth it in the long run, I swear.
  12. Perfectionism is an illusion. A painful one at that. Ease up. Strive for excellence, sure, but allow yourself room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of outcome.
  13. Take the blinders off. Don't become so laser-focused on your own goals and desires that you miss out on the beauty in life and the people around you. The world is stunningly beautiful when you walk around with eyes wide open.
  14. Celebrate the journey. It's not all about the destination. Savor all of your successes, even the small ones.
  15. Forgiveness is not so much about the other person. It's about you and for you so that you can gain the peace and freedom you deserve. Forgive quickly and often.
  16. We are all incredibly intuitive. When we learn to become still and listen, we can tap into some pretty amazing primal wisdom. Listen to the quiet whisper of your heart. It knows the way.
  17. Let your soul shine! Be authentic. There is nobody else on this earth just like you. Step into your truth wholeheartedly and live and breathe your purpose.
  18. We are powerful creators. Seriously, bad-asses. With intention, focus, and persistence -- anything is possible. Know this.
  19. I am full of light. You are full of light. We are all full of light. Some cast shadows on their own brightness. Be a beacon of light to others and show them the way.
  20. Don't take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. Have fun.
  21. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. And, love and support them right back! Life is too short for anything less.
  22. Learn the delicate dance. Have big beautiful dreams and vision. Chase them with much passion. But, also hold on to them all ever so lightly. Be flexible and willing to flow as life comes at you.
  23. Giving is the secret to receiving. Share your wisdom, your love, your talents. Share freely and be amazed at how much beauty in life flows back to you.
  24. On that note, be careful not to give too much. If you empty out your own cup completely, you will have nothing left to give. Balance is key.
  25. Say "YES!" to everything that lights you up. Say "no", unapologetically, to anything that doesn't excite you or you don't have the bandwidth for. Time is one of our most precious resources that we can never get back. Manage it wisely.
  26. Sometimes we outgrow friendships. It doesn't mean they're bad or you're bad. It just means you're on different paths. Hold them in your heart, but when they start to hurt or hold you back, it's time to give space or let go.
  27. Fear is often a very good indicator of what we really want and need in our life. Let it be your compass and enjoy the exciting adventure it leads you on.
  28. Overcoming your fears is one of the most empowering things you can ever do for yourself. You'll prove to yourself you can truly accomplish anything! Major self-confidence booster.
  29. Our bodies are our vehicle to our dreams. Treat them with love and fuel them with the best health to feel vibrant and energized. But, never obsess over image. Looks are subjective and will fade in time, anyway. Feeling good, healthy, and comfortable in our own skin is what matters most.
  30. Let those that you love know it often and enthusiastically. You can never say it or show it too much. Your time, total presence, love, and genuine concern for their wellness is the greatest gift of all.
  31. The present moment is where it's at. It's the only one promised to any of us. Learn from your past & enjoy the beautiful memories, but don't cling or let them haunt you. And, dream big and be excited about the future, but don't become obsessed. Love this moment, always.
  32. Life is full of highs and lows. We need them both to grow to our fullest potential. Just hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
  33. We are all connected as one human family. Nobody is better or worse than anyone else -- just at different stages of our journeys and dealing with life the best way we know how. Recognize that the other person is you.
  34. Practice daily gratitude for all the blessings in your life, large and small. Not only is this a high vibe practice that feels amazing, in practicing regularly you are creating space for even more abundance -- of joy, love, health, and prosperity.
  35. We are not the center of the universe, although our ego can make us feel that way at times. Step outside of that way of thinking and see the world and other people's perspective in a whole new beautiful light.
  36. The world needs more love, light, and laughter. Go be love.
  37. You are the guru. For much of our lives, we have been told what do, how to think, what looks good, what "success" is. You don't have to buy into any of it. Feel free to peel back the layers. Think for yourself. Break the mold. When you stop doing what everybody else wants you to do and start following your own intuition, you will be ridiculously happy.
In looking back at your own life, realize that every high and low is all part of your amazing story. Own it! Take cues and guidance from the universe and you will continue to go on an incredible ride as you fully step into your truth and power.
Age is just a number, but the higher it gets, the more wisdom and life experience we've amassed. You are never going to be younger than you are in this present moment again. So embrace it, love it, and enjoy it fully!
Here's to many more beautiful years of seeking-truth, questioning all that does not sit right, and making your greatest impact in the world! I look forward to adding more lessons as life continues to give me the opportunity to learn, grow, transform, share and expand. Hope you will too.
With much love,
For more inspiration, visit the Dawnsense site and sign up for weekly love letters. Also, join the supportive Dawnsense community on Facebook and Twitter .

Follow Dawn Gluskin on Twitter: www.twitter.com/dawngluskin

Sunday, December 28, 2014

10 New Ways To Spend New Years Eve

Ever get tired of the same old routine on New Year's Eve?
This year I am totally over it.
I'm going to change it up this year, and was googling different things to do when I found this fabulous blogpost by 
Madewell Musings

Are you doing something different for New Years Eve? Tell us about it in the comments section below


Because you’ve popped Champagne every other year…
Ever heard that old adage that how you spend New Year’s Eve sets the tone for the rest of your year? While we don’t totally buy it, we’re all for a fresh beginning. From a psychic reading to a midnight stroll, 10 unexpected ways to kick off 2015.
1. Get perspective on the coming year with a visit to a psychic or palm reader. 
2. Wind down at a spa and pick the right massage for ultimate relaxation. The main differences between the nine most common rubdowns, HERE
3. Start 2015 with some good karma and volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter for the evening. 
4. Hit the slopes for an after-hours ski or sledding session; many regional ski areas offer nighttime lift tickets. 
5. Slip into downward dog with a night of yoga. New York-based Jivamukti studio has a whole evening of activities
6. Host a clothing swap and donate what’s left. 
7. Take a midnight stroll in your warmest coat with a thermos of hot chocolate (standard or spiked). Recipe HERE
8. Write a secret resolution out in sparklers and take a photo. 
9. Borrow a New Year’s Eve tradition from another culture. In Spain, for example, people eat 12 grapes at midnight. In Belgium, children write letters to their parents. More ideas HERE.
10. Check into a hotel for the night—in your own city. 
Photography by Angi Welsch.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Buyer Beware ~ Don't Ship Ceramics From Taormina!

As a rule I don't believe in negative blogposts - if I don't like something I just won't say anything about it.

But a travel reporter contacted me the other day asking if I had any "Buyer Beware" stories about travel in Sicily. I told him about an awful experience at Bar Papisca in Canneto Beach on the island of Lipari (to read my post on magical Lipari click here) and then I told him about my only other bad experience traveling in Sicily, or anywhere in Italy.

Buyer beware, do not buy ceramics in Taormina and have them shipped home.

Sicily is famous for it's spectacular ceramics. They are just beautiful. Hand painted, distinctive, uniquely Sicilian.
They harken to the stories of Sicily's past and at the same time are ingrained into it's present.

Ceramics on a balcony in beautiful Taormina

Taormina is not only one of the loveliest places in Sicily, but it is also one of the loveliest places in the world. I cannot wait to get back there again, hopefully next summer.


beautiful Taormina Sicily

Last year I bought some pieces of local ceramics in Taormina and dragged them around Italy with me for 5 weeks before heading home to the US. I loved the pattern so much that I decided to buy a complete dinnerset as well as additional pieces when I returned this year.

I was a little hesitant to ship a giant order home without a trial run, so (thankfully) I just purchased a few pieces to try out the shipping, with a plan to order and ship place settings for 10 if all went well.
Which it didn't.

buying some test pieces of ceramics in Taormina. Not all of  these items got home in one piece.

I purchased the 5 pieces at a store called Sikania Ceramiche located at Via Luigi Pirandello 18 in Taormina. The shipping was expensive - 65 Euros including shipping insurance.

They informed me that it would take about a month to arrive, that they have special packaging that guarantees that everything arrives in one piece, and that infact no one had ever had anything arrive broken. But not to worry - if the package didn't arrive or arrived damaged in any way there was insurance to cover it.


Except, not cool.

The shipment arrived stateside about 3 weeks later, and I have to say the packaging was fantastic, the only problem was that when the ceramics were packed they were wedged in too tightly, and some of the pieces broke.



I telephoned Sikania Ceramiche the next morning and spoke to the store owner. When I told him that pieces had arrived broken he said that was impossible. 
Then promptly decided that he no longer understood english, and hung up.

No problem - I have tons of friends in Italy, so I had one of them call him and conduct the conversation in Italian. The owner said yes he understood that I had goods arrive broken, and that he just needed me to email or text him photos. He gave my friend the cell phone number to text them to and the email address to email them to.




I immediately did both - texted him the pictures as well as emailed them. 
Both of which he steadfastly ignored.
He ignored follow up emails too.

I have to say at this point that it shouldn't have been a big deal. Replace the broken items - minimal cost to the store - keep the customer happy, and get a giant order for the rest of the set that I wanted.

Had Sikania Ceramiche actually purchased the shipping insurance that they charged me for, this wouldn't be a problem, would it? 

I mean no big deal - have me send back the broken pieces and just replace them. Insurance will pay for it all.
Which of course makes me think they didn't actually buy the insurance and just pocketed the extra money.

Sicily is famous for it's gorgeous ceramics. 
And they are everywhere. 
There are many options and many stores to buy them from. 
All over Sicily.

Ceramics are everywhere in Taormia

But as some merchants own multiple stores, and allowing for the fact that in a small place like Taormina they all know one another, 
there are probably others in town running the same dirty game.

So the way I see it you are better off to buy your ceramics elsewhere. Buy them in Ragusa or Giardini Naxos, Siracusa or Savoca. Just not in Taormina. And maybe only buy what you can carry back home in your luggage - avoid the shipping scam.

And avoid Sikania Ceramiche like the plague. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

New Year's Eve Makeup ~ MAC Lightness Of Being

After the heavier, bolder red lip of Christmas, 
I love this icy cool look for New Year's Eve.

 MAC Lightness Of Being Collection


It's time to liberate yourself from the dark tones of fall and the bold hues of the Christmas season, instead exploring the iciness of  the freeform movement of frosted lavender, mint green and pearlized champagne. Eyes and cheeks move into sheer pastels, complimented by rosy lips. 
The deep dark colors in pre-Christmas nails give way to hushed beiges and muted lavender.

Pair this look with winter whites, winter pastels, icy silvers and metallics, dove greys.








Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Complain At The Airport ( and actually get what you want)

The friendly skies are going to be full over the next few days....
With a big week of travel ahead it doesn't hurt to have some problem solving tips up your sleeve.
This is a repost of Christine Sarkis' article for SmarterTravel.com's
Today In Travel. Well worth reading, and maybe think about tattooing the first two to the inside of your eyelids before heading to the airport...

How To Complain At The Airport (and Actually Get What You Want)

Airports are hubs for more than just flights. Complaints fly nearly constantly across check-in desks, customer-service counters, and gates at every airport in every city in the world. And, sure, with delayed flights and bad seats galore, there's plenty for passengers to rightfully complain about.
But with so many gripes, the best way to be heard when you have a problem is to rise above the din. Here are our tips for complaining the right way next time something goes wrong for you at the airport.
Center Yourself: Anger is likely fueling your complaint, but all that rage and indignation will work against you when it comes to negotiating a satisfactory outcome. Before you lodge your complaint, take a minute to breathe deeply and re-center. Once you feel calmer, you'll be able to order your thoughts, complain strategically, and recognize a reasonable outcome when it comes your way.
Don't Be a Jerk: Don't put your listener on the defensive with abusive language, eye rolling, fist pounding, or, that old classic, the nostrils-flared, jaw-clenched combo. Instead, before you start your complaint, take a moment to say hello and make eye contact.
Know What You Want: Effective complaining requires you to know what you want. Don't leave it up to the gate agent to read your mind and know what you would consider a reasonable resolution. Before you start, decide what you hope to get out of the complaint—for instance, food or hotel vouchers, a reimbursement, or airfare credit.
Be Reasonable: Know what you want, but be reasonable about it. A delayed flight doesn't warrant an upgrade to first class. And remember that the person you're talking to can't make a flight board faster or a plane come sooner. Make your requests reasonable and you'll have a much higher chance of seeing your needs met.
Choose Your Wording: Saying "I demand" or "I insist" is a bad way to present your reasonable request. It cuts off any negotiation and puts the person you're talking to on the defensive from the get-go. Instead, try something less instantly confrontational, such as, "Here's what I think seems reasonable," or "This is what I would like."
Make a Complaint Sandwich: Win over your listener with this classic strategy by starting with an "ear opener": something that plays on the sympathies of the person you're talking to. Then state your request and follow it up with a phrase or sentence that will motivate the listener to help you. For example, if you get to the airport and realize the aisle seat you paid extra for has, on your boarding pass, turned into a dreaded middle seat, you might say something like, "I've been flying with your airline for years, and I have generally been very happy with the service. The aisle seat I reserved has been changed to a middle seat, and I'd like to get it switched back. I really want to continue being a happy and loyal customer, so I would appreciate if you could help me get an aisle seat."
Ask a Question: If you're at an impasse, ask the airline employee what they would do in your situation. Another way to help them see you as a reasonable person is by asking them how they think the problem can best be solved.
Be Patient and Persistent: If your request is reasonable and feasible but you're not getting the outcome you'd like, ask politely to have the matter escalated to a superior. Or, head to a different counter and ask another person. Or call the airline's customer-service line.
Use Social Media … Wisely: Many people have good luck catching the attention of an airline via a tweet using the carrier's Twitter handle. If you take this route, play to your audience. A gripe won't get you as far as a succinct and heartfelt narrative that allows the airline to publicly help a customer. So instead of saying, "@Airline is the worst! Going to miss another connection," try "@Airline, delayed flight=miss birth of niece. Help w/ another flight ASAP?"
Don't Complain If You're in the Wrong: Instead, acknowledge your fault ("I was late, I missed my plane!") and then focus on winning the agent over to your cause. In cases where you're in the wrong, the best you can do is help them see you as a person in need, rather than an angry customer.