Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Loving Lorac Style...

Today I had a little time to kill before my pre-production meeting for the big shoot that's happening this weekend, so I took a little dash through Sephora to see what was up.

Its so easy to overlook a really cool product in a store like Sephora because there are so many new products coming out all the time. And when something new comes out it might not excite you that much, so you just breeze on by it. Or maybe there are just so many killer things that you overlook something you'd otherwise love.

So periodically I go into Sephora (I also do this at MAC), and while I'm cruising around I watch the employees to see who seems to be loving their job their job the most.

Then I ask that person to show me the product that is totally rocking their world this very minute. What is your favorite, most exciting, most killer item, right now?

So much fun! They always get extra excited and race off to show you whatever it is. And if you keep your eyes and ears wide open, you just might learn something new.

Today I had this wickedly excited dude. He grabbed my wrist and said: You. Have. GOT. To see this! And hauled me halfway across the store to look at a product I've walked past many times.

The Lorac Starry Eyed Baked Trio. Shown here in Super Star (Bronze) and Evening Star (Silver).
It also comes in Starlet, which is purple, and not shown here. Highly pigmented, long lasting, shimmering baked shadows.

Now I have passed these by frequently, thinking they weren't so exciting. But man, this guy was totally into them, and got me all fired up too! He used up every spare piece of skin on each of our arms, showing me all kinds of tricks he likes doing with this product.
He showed it wet, he showed it dry. He showed it soft, he showed it full power. He showed it blended, he showed it striped. And he converted me.

So sometime when you have free arm space and a few extra minutes, get someone to show you what they are loving most. No matter how good you are at makeup, give them free reign to tell you all their ideas, and show it to you their way.
Its really fun, both for you, and for them.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prada in Red

Oh wow!
In the middle of a crazy day of meetings I had to go to the lingerie department at Saks to check out some pieces for a shoot that's coming up. I love getting consulted on wardrobe, love getting to look things over, but frankly, it all works so much better when they bring wardrobe to the studio, instead of me to Saks of all places!

You see, walking through Saks 5th Avenue is like skipping through a minefield to a girl trying to stay on budget. The lingerie department? Forget it! Danger zone.
I went in through the back door so I didn't have to go through the makeup department, but unfortunately, the error in that plan was that it sent me directly into the shoe department.

So I forgot about Plan A altogether, and meandered on in. Well actually, it was the siren song of Prada, that like the Lorelei to the ancient sailors, lured me in.

Check this out!

How perfect is this shoe? Completely, magnificently, alluringly perfect. And frankly, quite festive too! Can't you just imagine it paired with a little black dress at a Christmas party? I can see it with grey, it would be a divine statement with winter white....
So as I was test driving these perfect shoes around the department, and the salesman was mentally calculating the commission he'd be making on me, I was planning the makeup - Julie Hewett's new Soiree eye palette, MAC's #45 lashes, Julie's Bibo lip - soooo fabulous!

But then my phone started going crazy as the crew waiting for me upstairs started texting and calling me to find out where I was.

Saved by the proverbial bell!

I deliberately left all my plastic at home, so that I couldn't do any impulse buying. I cant really remember too much about the lingerie I was there to look over, as I am still so completely mesmerized by the shoe.

If I wait a week and then go back and get it, can it still be called an impulse purchase? Or by that point has it become an investment in what would have to be an amazing future?

Because in a shoe like that, life could only be truly amazing....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Lash Me, Lash Me!

Hi everyone!

Today I am posting the video tutorial on how to apply individual false lashes.

Some of you like the the photo tutorials best, some of you like the vids, this way I got you all covered!



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello Texas - I Love You!!!

Have I told you yet how much I love the great state of Texas, and those that live there?

Sometimes I go there for work, sometimes I go there to see friends, but every time I go there I have an absolute blast! Texans just have to be amongst the most friendly, fun loving folks to roam the earth. And I love them.

I feel a great affinity to Texan women too, because every single one of them that I either am friends with, or work with (and there are very murky lines there - they start as clients and evolve beautifully into very close friends) appears to have a mind-bending love of shoes. Just like me!

We speak the same language!

So you can imagine my total delight yesterday, when I walked into the hotel room of my brand new Texan client, who had flown in a mere hour before, and right there, smack bang in front of me, like a sign from the universe that this day was about to become completely brilliant, I saw these:

Sing angels, sing! Exquisite patent leather YSL sandals. (Hers were black, but I couldn't find black ones to show you online). I knew from that moment forward, that this was meant to be! No accidental client meets makeup artist story here - this was fate!

And of course, she was cool, funny, clever and super friendly, the way Texans always are.

After her makeup was all finished and I'd packed my brushes etc away, she took on a very conspiratorial tone, and said "I have to show you something..."

Then she opened her suitcase and a pure white light shone out, angels started singing the Hallelujah Chorus, and she pulled out these:

Ooooohhh!!! Studded Prada Slingback Peeptoe Boots. Can you feel the sheer magic of them reaching out to you??? Just looking at this picture makes my heart pound and my breath quicken!

When the pounding in my ears stopped, and I got my equilibrium back, she let me hold them. (We wear different sizes, otherwise I'd have put them on and walked around the room in them).

All I can say is, even holding this shoe, you know your mojo is overflowing.
I held them for ages.
They are perfect.
My world would be perfect if I owned them.
I instinctively know that makeup would go on better if I was wearing them.

Long live Prada, and God love Texas.



Friday, September 4, 2009

Flirting Madly With Fall...

I am super excited about MAC's new Flirt With Fall Lash campaign!

Academy Award nominated makeup artist Christina Smith developed this line for MAC, and infused it with a little (lot!) movie magic.

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!

There are six different lashes in the collection, but my favorite three are:

Set #44

Set #45 - these are a half set, for use on the outer segment of the eyelid, to add drama but not close the eye. Great for those with smaller eyes who feel that their eye gets lost behind a big, full lash.

And the piece de resistance, the #47's. These are the absolute most fabulous lashes!
Love, love, loving all over them!!!

We may be shooting Lea Cappelli this weekend for a magazine piece, if so, I will be using these on her to create some extra gorgeous drama-rama!

Batt 'em ladies!



Thursday, September 3, 2009

For The Ladies Who Lash....

One of my favorite tricks in makeup-land, both on clients and on myself, is using individual lashes to really enhance an eye and bring out some controlled drama.
Not every occasion calls for a full strip lash, and a strip can in fact overwhelm an eye, but individuals can really save the day.

So today I'm going to teach you how to apply them, so you have time to practice, and then get out there and rock some fabulous this weekend!

Now individual lashes can be a bit tricky at first, but don't go getting disheartened. Just practice a few times and you'll be just fine.
Some people like to hold a hand mirror under their chin with their free hand to help them see what they're doing, others (like me) can't co-ordinate that, and just lean in to the bathroom mirror and tip their chin up.

First up, you are going to do your entire eye makeup, including tons of mascara. If you are going to curl your lashes, be careful not to crimp them and have them flicking upwards. It makes it super difficult to place a false lash, and falsies are never shaped at that angle. So if curling, just get a gentle bend into the lash.

I'll be teaching you this pretty little eye makeup next week...

I use Duo Surgical Adhesive to glue false lashes. You are highly unlikely to develop a reaction to this product, whereas some of the others I'm a tad skeptical of. It goes on white and dries clear, so you know exactly when they're ready. You can buy clear lash glue or black lash glue, but I recommend this one.

Now to the lashes themselves. You can buy Ardell or Andrea individual lashes everywhere, and they are actually very inexpensive, and really good. Depending on the length of your own lashes get either short black flair or medium black flair.
These aren't actually one single lash, but instead are a group of lashes knotted together.

Now using your tweezers (mine are Tweezerman tweezers, my absolute favorite), gently lift off one lash from close to the knot. They are held onto the plastic case with a soft adhesive. If you pull from the end of the lash you'll change the shape of it.

Dip it into the glue and get the knotted end covered. Hold it for a few seconds to let it get tacky.

Now with your eye mostly closed, place the lash right at the lashline. Not up on the eyeliner and not on the lashes, but instead place it where a new lash would grow. The idea here is to make it look like they're your own.

I don't place them so that they're pointing straight out, but instead angle them slightly to the outer corner of the eye. This widens your eyes and makes them look more sultry and mysterious.
(and we all want sultry and mysterious...!)

Your first lash should be your outer-most lash. Now you are going to place 2 or 3 more along the lashline, not too close together, just far enough apart that the outer corners of each lash slightly cross one another. This creates some depth and makes your lashes look thicker and sexier.

While you're doing this, you keep the eye you're working on looking downwards, or if you're super talented, closed. If you are batting your eyelids around the lashes will start heading off in all kinds of different directions and will start twisting sideways etc.
(I told you it was tricky, but once you've got it down its like riding a bike - you don't even think about the mechanics of it, you just do it)

I place the back of my tweezers underneath to level the lashes and keep them inline with the natural lashes.

It takes a few miutes for the lashes to dry, so sit there with your eyes closed and zen out or something.

Once they have dried they look like fab-u-lashes that you grew yourself.

This tutorial was shot during a teen photoshoot, so I couldn't do a hardcore lash fabulous, we had to look somewhat natural. But I use individuals all the time, so will post pics of some rocking thick ones sometime soon so you can see how they look too.

All these images were shot by the fabulous Kelly Cappelli on location at my home away from home, Studio 5, on a photoshoot with our beautiful model Monica.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oooh! Lovin Me Some Deep, Dark Lips!

I have to say, I am just loving all over one of the new lipsticks from Urban Decay!

The fall collection has three shades, Naked (been there, done that, but it is pretty), Oil Slick (very goth, black glossy lip - um, not so much) and oh yeah sister - the object of my affection, Confession!

Now we're talking! Its a fabulous grapey, deep wine slice of fabulous. I'm loving it with a soft, yet defined eye, tons of lashes and a pale cheek.
In fact, I may just shoot a tutorial with it so you can see.

Sometimes its nice to take a breather from a smokey eye, and send all the focus to your lips. A word of warning though, if you have thin lips, this is not a great choice for you. Even if you mute it down to a stain, a color this deep and robust can make your mouth look like a mean, thin slash.

On the upside though, the blue base is going to make your teeth look whiter than white...

This shade looks more intimidating than it really is. It's actually quite a soft glossy lip rather than a full lipstick and reminds me a bit of the Clinique gloss Black Honey.

My other favorite from Urban Decay is Vinyl. Not new, but still gorgeous.

I love deep, grape colored lips in the fall....

A quick note about their formulations: They have Vitamins A, C and E. They also have Hyluronic spheres which prevent dehydration and have a creme caramel scent.

The packaging is kinda fun too.