Showing posts with label Behind the scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Behind the scenes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shooting On Green Screen

Busy week shooting TV commercials, but I brought my camera along yesterday to try and get you some behind the scenes stuff...

And today, this shall be my domain...

These are some of my makeup cases. I travel with sooo much stuff!
There's all kinds of wardrobe & props behind there including plastic chain with scary looking manacle things, and under the clothing rack a plastic loaf of french bread.
I wonder what that shoot was about???

all set up, ready to rock n roll. The styrofoam head isn't mine. I think it belongs to the french bread people.

Hard at work (haha!!!) but looking oh so craptastic.
The actress was really good fun to work with.
I do absolutely love my T shirt though.
Its from Drag Strip Girl Designs

Behind this door is the green screen studio. Its HUGE.

Kinda hard to see, but the walls curve into the floor, so there are no edges or corners.

This was a single camera shoot. The computer will separate the actress from the green background, and they will digitally place her somewhere else.
Although they can isolate that particular green, you still dont have any wardrobe or makeup with any green undertone to it.

We were shooting HD too, which is always cool. Completely unforgiving, but very cool.

To the right of the camera is the monitor. It too is HD. I watch the monitor while we're shooting so that I can really see what the camera is taking in.

The director stepped in for a minute

Blurry (courtesy of my brilliant photographic skills!) but we're about to do another take.

So now when you hear people talking about "green screen", you know what it looks like!



Monday, October 12, 2009

A Little Red Carpet Looove!

Julie Hewett Cosmetics sent me this to have a look at. I'd love to be able to say I did it, but this time I didn't.

This picture was taken on the red carpet in Madrid at the premier of Rachel's movie "Agora"
The look the artist used on Rachel Weisz is both completely gorgeous, and completely do-able. (I was going to link her IMDB page, but figured all that text was a bit boring, so we might as well enjoy more pictures of the lovely RW instead...)

She had on a sassy little red dress that night, which got me thinking about those Christmas parties where a red dress is super fun to wear. You can totally do this makeup yourself, and then go rock that mistletoe!

Check it out:

So here are the products that the artist used:

- Rachel's Makeup Artist used Hue Color Rue Burgundy to achieve this easy-on-the-eyes smoky brown look. Use your fingertips to smudge all over your eyelid - wear alone or lightly layer an amethyst colored powder shadow on top.

- A special Make-up Artist trick - draw in between your upper lashes with Soot Eye Pencil to really smoke it out. This helps to avoid that pesky "white space" between your mascara and eyeliner. Build voluminous lashes by using several layers of Rose Scented Mascara - starting at the root of the lash and "wiggling" your way up to the tip.

- Apply a light layer of Lulu Bijou Lipstick onto your pout. Lulu gives that perfect punch of sheer cool red that isn't too pink or too brown, and layered on top of Organic Camellia Ruby your smile is sure to dazzle everyone!

- Just a hint of a petal pink flush will complement this intense look - use Bud of Rose on just the apples of your cheeks, or if you like a dewier look, Jami Cheekie will give you a glowing pink flush.

Now there is also an online discount happening at Julie Hewett until October 31st.
Go to to do your shopping, and at the checkout enter the code
You'll get 15% discount off your total order!
Love that!!!

P.S I cut and pasted most of this - didn't figure it out for you myself, but used their details instead!



Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sing It Girlfriend!!!

Those of you who are with me on Twitter and on Facebook will already know that last week there was a small unplugged style (except they were all plugged - but you catch my drift!) private concert at Studio 5 on Tuesday.

It was a showcase-style event for some lable folk, producers and writers, entertainment lawyers, P.R peeps etc who are involved with upcoming Lea Cappelli projects as well as some other movers and shakers who blew in to town to see her perform. The place was packed.

In other words, all kinds of crazy cool fun! And a celeb spotting fest. Love it!

I work with Lea frequently, and have come to know her as this sweet, unassuming yet wildly talented girl. I adore working with her and kicking around with her.

The funny thing is, she is so mellow and lovely that you forget that she has this unbelievable presence when she hits the stage. I've been around music and musicians forever. Some have the magic, most don't.
Lea has it in spades.

Just watching her walk across the stage takes your breath away. I watch the audience and see them mesmerized, hanging onto every note she sings. Even the die-hard music folk who've seen it all before are incredulous. Its a pretty cool thing to see. No one is scratching their head, no one whispering or looking away (well, I was updating twitter, but I don't count!) everyone just spellbound.

Another cool thing is the caliber of Lea's band. These are really super talented, big time musicians, not normally available to a new, young artist, but who see what she's got and want to be a part of it.
And oh do they put on a killer show!!!

As usual I'm not allowed to say too much, but I did get a couple of pics for you.

Backstage after the show with NFL great Nick Lowery and country music legend Jessie Colter

This guy is so much fun! Johnny Rock Page and Lea backstage

Check out Lea on myspace Click Here

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh William!

When you look at a picture in a magazine its often hard to imagine what was going on when that image was shot. What the model was really dealing with - like modelling a bikini on a freezing cold day at the beach, wool jackets on a summer's day, being pulled and pinned and cinched into the clothes she's modelling etc.

When you have a good team working, everyone pitches in and makes it happen so that you can get the shot. And often times its all kinds of silly fun!

Here are some more behind the scenes moments from the shoot we just finished, which was filmed for the bridal industry.

So here is our beautiful model, Emely, in the makeup chair. She was our final model for the day.

Oh William! Heaven only knows what he was up to, but I can guarantee you it was hilarious! We had been working a really long day already, and all were exhausted.

With Emely on set, Kelly Cappelli started shooting. You can see the TV camera in the corner of this shot.

How funny is this??? Will and I were fanning out the train of the dress. This dress was actually exceptionally beautiful. It has flowers sewn on to it, and is really quite elaborate.
Its from Mariee in Scottsdale.
I was still miked, and the transmitter is still clipped on in my lower back. Not so seksi...

Can you please pass me another clamp.....

You can see here that in order to get the shot Emely (in high heels) has to arch her back, lift her chin, pull her shoulders both back and square, angle her neck, lean, and look demure, while I'm on one side holding the skirt, and Will is crouched behind her holding that side. You can also see some of the clamps that are holding the dress tight to her body.

The dress is actually really heavy, especially for a tiny slim little thing like Em.
She is pinned, pulled, clamped and cinched, but although as uncomfortable as she is, she can work her face and body, and make you believe she is lost in thought...

Meanwhile, the shooting continues. Kelly and Jeff Bills from Serendipity Videography.

A quick touch up and spray from the fabulous William Zecco...

Now Will is on camera, explaining why he chose this particular hairstyle, and how he did it.
When you step back out of the shot you can see all the backdrops etc. It kinda lets you see how real it all is.

Isn't he just gorgeous??? All kinds of crazy fun to work with!

And here's a very blurry shot of Emely. Hopefully by next week I'll be able to post a tutorial on this makeup. It was so lovely, and was done using the new Smashbox collection, which I am looooving to death!

Funnily enough its called work, but in all honesty, its just great fun!



Monday, September 14, 2009

Bridal Promo Shoot

lashes, starbucks, Julie Hewett palette& lips, brushes galore....

Yesterday was too much fun! Just waaay to much fun.

We shot a super cool bridal promo piece at Studio 5, with all my favorite players. Of course the fabulous Kelly Cappelli shot all the stills, Will Zecco and Kristin Isaac did hair, and we used my favorite models Tamara Anthony, Mallory Nevin and Emely Soto.

The dresses were off the charts killer fab, and came from Mariee in Scottsdale, the jewlery was by Claudia.

Serendipity filmed the piece. Hopefully I will be able to post some of it before too long.

We shot some cool makeup tutorials while we were there, using some fantastic new Julie Hewett products and the off the charts brilliant Reign Collection from Smashbox.

There were plenty of personal cameras on set, so I'm going to post some behind the scenes stuff as pics come in.

Airbrushing Mallory's foundation

Kelly checking makeup, new Julie Hewett palette in foreground...

No idea what was so funny, but Will Zecco no doubt had something to do with it!


I so love the Smashbox Reign collection packaging that I keep all the products in their original boxes. Geeky, I know, but the little things in life can bring so much happiness...

How cool is Kelly??? I'm chatting to twitter and facebook, & looking all kinds of serious, meanwhile Kelly looks all kinds of fabulous while waiting to get miked up.

Mallory snapping some pics while Jeff from Serendipity gets Kelly miked.

Cameras rolling. Kelly showing one of the dresses and talking about the look.

Me holding up the dress while Kelly speaks.

Me telling TV-land about this cool Nicole Miller dress and what makeup to do with it.

No doubt I'll be posting more from this shoot this week, and as Will was in fine form, there's bound to be some silliness involving him!



Monday, August 31, 2009

Voicing All Over It...

Well this was more fun than you could shake a stick at!

Last week I had to go to Illuma Studios to record some voice overs. (Those of you who have done voice overs etc might want to go file your nails or something, for the rest of you, its a kinda cool little behind the scenes deal...)

Illuma is a full service television studio. They shoot TV programs, commercials etc in there. They also have a completely fabulous makeup room.
I hadn't been in the audio room there before, so it was fun getting to scope it out.

Behind me you can see the recording engineer, Jeff Ocheltree. He is sitting at the sound board, and that big window infront of him actually looks into the studio itself. That way the engineer can be watching the goings on on set while twirling all those fun dials.

The pinot colored squares behind my mike are tiles made of this absorbant stuff that stops my voice from bouncing off the walls. It feels really odd & porous. (I probably shouldn't have been touching it, but couldn't help myself.)

If I'd known there'd be pictures involved I would have done something about the hairdo...

Kelly Capelli and I had client meetings to go to immediately after this, so she came along with her camera and sat in, and we were able to head out afterwards together. And going anywhere with Kelly is always great fun!

I think this studio only does voice/speaking-type audio. I dont think they record music there. Could be wrong though...
There were big headphones for me to put on, but in all honesty, I find the sound of my own voice nauseating and would have been way too distracted.

I didn't get my script until it was time to record it. Like most scripts it was being re-edited and re-written right up til the last minute. There wasn't even time for a read through before we started tracking it.

I absolutely love doing things like this, but I don't get to do them very often. I have an unusual accent, and that gets in the way of most voice opportunities. I don't sound like other Kiwis, don't sound like a Brit, don't sound American. I just kinda sound like me. Which, for the most part precludes me from lots of advertising, and which also means lots of people dont necessarily understand me that well. Especially if I'm speaking fast. (so I mess with people at every opportunity!)

Anyway, here is Jeff hard at work. He has all kinds of cool stuff at his fingertips, and that screen that he's looking at shows the audio patterns as I'm speaking. The green lines are my voice. Its cool watching him at work. His hands are flying all over that board doing things, and he's not even looking at them.

I only read through the script about four times, then picked up key phrases and said them a few different ways, so that the client had some options. The whole thing was very quick.
I had my back to him, and couldn't see if Jeff was paying attention or not, so I threw in some naughty words here and there just to keep him on his toes! haha! (of course he had to edit them out later).

Oh wow! Naughtier than I had originally thought...!
It was pretty cool watching the playback on the screen, and seeing the patterns that voices make when they're just speaking.

Oh, and the t-shirt? I told you I'd end up wearing it a hundred times over!
I just love it. I got it from Elusive Cowgirl and it says: "Love Comes Without Warning". Its got what looks like a tattoo heart on it and some bling too.
No doubt you'll see it again soon - I've been wearing it to death.

I've got some cool stuff to tell you about this week, so make sure you keep checking in.

Hope you're having a gorgeous day,



Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Morning TV-land!

Every so often I do makeup segments on various breakfast television shows. These segments tend to be under 3 minutes, and are really just a quick demo or chat about whats happening in the world of makeup and glamor. (the glamor part was something I just thought up - they really only want to know whats happening in makeup!)

To make it more fun, it means a 3 am or 4 am wake-up call, so you can be camera ready and get to the studio, or what ever location you're shooting at before the morning program goes live.
That means some serious under eye drama and repair work!

Will and I were on breakfast TV this morning doing out thing, our on-air time being about 2 minutes. And believe me we worked those 2 minutes up one side and down the other! And, might I add, with his new goatee thing going on he looked devilishly handsome! But sadly ladies, he is completely unavailable to any of us!

I told twitter-world last week all about a breakfast shoot (as it was happening no less), and here are some behind the scenes stills. If you're on twitter you can follow me @Corinnamakeup, or click on the icon over there on the right.

I never remember to think up what I'm going to say beforehand, and only realize it as the camera light goes on, so I'm always hoping I say something coherent...

Theres nothing quite like seeing yourself on camera to make you think all about the squats and lunges that you've been meaning to do, but haven't quite gotten around to!

This one was all about trends in wedding makeup.
It was a fun shoot, as they normally are. If I can get any footage from youtube I'll post it later this week.

Have a gorgeous day!
