Monday, August 29, 2011

Harpers Bazaar September Issue - The Season's Riches

When she lives in Hades/Phoenix there are very few things that get a girl through the infernal heat horror that is the month of August, and without which she will lose her mind.
1) a one way airline ticket out of here (this year, no luck - I've been in town all month)
2) an ice cold studio to work in (check - lucked out there)
3) the arrival of the September issues (halleluliah!!)

In magazine-land September is our January. This is where the year begins. And every publication rolls out its biggest, fattest, most glorious issue of the year. In short, its damn fabulous.
Whether they arrive in your mailbox or come to you via Zinio, the September issues are the best part of August.

This shoot is from the Harpers Bazaar September issue. So beautiful, it haunts me. I love everything about it...

The Season's Riches:

Photographer Camilla Akrans
Model Bette Franke
Hair Franco Gobbi
Makeup Francelle Daly

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