Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh So Salma-licious!!

Just how ridiculously fabulous, sexy, hot and beautiful is Salma Hayek???
I adore her!

InStyle Magazine has her on the cover this month
with a great little interview inside.

I loved this piece:

9 Things She Would Tell Her Younger Self.

1. Floss!
Take care of your teeth

2. Don't Worry Too Much
or be discouraged by other's opinions.

3. Create Some Good Habits
such as the way you eat and exercise

4. Don't Waste Time Trying To Impress The Fools.

5. Avoid Drama.
and don't spend your time talking about it
or giving in to it

6. Count Your Blessings.
every day

7. Enjoy Nature

8. Spend Every Second You Can With Your Grandparents.
And write down what they tell you.
Film it if you can.

9.Keep A Diary
I wish I had written down all the beautiful things men had told me
...and they meant it.

If I were to add one more to round it up to 10
I would have to say
Don't Stress The Small Stuff.
Because it is all small stuff.
And even the big stuff
is never worth the stress
when you look back



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